Guidelines of the Personnel Management According to Sangahawatthu 4 of Private Education Administrators under the Vocational Education Commission Nakhon Si Thammarat Province


  • Theerapat Pakdee Master of Education (Buddhist Educational Administration), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Kasama Srisuwan Master of Education (Buddhist Educational Administration), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phramaha Supot Sumato Master of Education (Buddhist Educational Administration), Faculties of Educational, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Personnel Management, Sanghawatthu 4, Education Administrators


The study consisted of the following objectives: 1) to study the conditions of personnel administration of private school administrators under the Office of Vocational Education Commission of Nakhon Si Thammarat Province; 2) to study the guidelines for personnel administration according to Sanghavatthu of the private school administrators under the Office of Vocational Education Commission of Nakhon Si Thammarat Province; and 3) to propose the guidelines for personnel administration of private school administrators under the Office of Vocational Education Commission of Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. The study applied a qualitative research method. The in-depth interviews were conducted with 13 persons.

From the study, the following results have been found:

  1. The conditions of personnel administration of private school administrators under the Office of Vocational Education Commission of Nakhon Si Thammarat Province consist of 5 aspects as follows: 1) personnel work planning; 2) personnel arrangement for work implementation; 3) personnel development; 4) personnel retention; and 5) personnel implementation evaluation.
  2. The guidelines for personnel administration according to Sanghavatthu of the private school administrators under the Office of Vocational Education Commission of Nakhon Si Thammarat Province consist of 5 aspects as follows: 1) personnel work planning according to Sanghavatthu; 2) personnel arrangement for work implementation according to Sanghavatthu;(3) personnel development according to Sanghavatthu; 4) personnel retention according to Sanghavatthu; and 5) personnel implementation evaluation according to Sanghavatthu
  3. After the experts has examined the guidelines for personnel administration of private school administrators under the Office of Vocational Education Commission of Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, it has been found from the focus group discussion that the guidelines are of propriety, feasibility, utilization, and applicable.


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How to Cite

Pakdee, T., Srisuwan , K., & Sumato, P. S. (2022). Guidelines of the Personnel Management According to Sangahawatthu 4 of Private Education Administrators under the Vocational Education Commission Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(2), 267–280. Retrieved from