Result of Learning Activity by Faith Creation according to Yônisômanasikan as Effective for Solution of 6th Primary Students


  • Phrasamuhasomlak Thikkhaphanyo Social Studies Teaching Programe, Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Niwes Wongsuwan Faculty of Education, MCU
  • Somchai Srinok Faculty of Education, MCU


Learning Activity, Faith Creation, Yônisômanasikan, Effective for Solution.


         Pre-Experimental research. There were purposes as follow, 1) to compare an achievement of 6th Primary Students. 2) To compare an Achievement for Learning Solution of 6th Primary Students, then. (3) To study satisfying of students for Creation according to Yônisômanasikan as Effective.The exampling group for this research was the 6th Primary Students Yangyisea School Krachan sub-district U-thong district Supanburi Province amount 26 persons by using Purposive Sampling.The implements for this research were as, 1) Active learning set Buddhist subject name faith 4 as number 4 sets. 2) Achieve measurement learning. 3) Achieve measurement learning solution 4) Satisfying questionnaires for students then analyze data by using statistics percentage mean standard deviation and t-test dependent.

          The results of the research are as follows: 1) Students who receive the teaching method by way of faith building according to Yonisomanasikāra have the posttest of learning achievement higher than the pretest with a statistical significance at 0.05 level. This is because it is the kind of learning that promotes students to learn together, to interact rationally within the group, between group and with the teachers. Students also get to develop their systematic thinking capability through the right methods, cultivate their wholesome thought and wisdom in order to solve problems appropriately and adapt in their daily lives happily; 2) Students who receive the teaching method by way of faith building according to Yonisomanasikāra have the posttest of problem-solving ability higher than the pretest with a statistical significance at 0.05 level. This is because the learning management based on faith building according to Yonisomanasikāra helps students to think systematically and follow the way of wisdom as they get to contemplate the reality of things. They also get to study the information, understand the problems, analyze and identify the problems, prioritize the problems, share opinions and help to find the alternatives to the solutions, and summarize as their own body of knowledge; and 3) Students have satisfaction towards the teaching method by way of faith building according to Yonisomanasikāra at a high level with a statistical significance at 0.05 level. This is because students feel that teachers are kalyāṇamittatā who provide them with opportunities to express opinions freely, encourage them to search for what is necessary for them, present problems that are the essence of the lesson, train to think according to the problem-solving thinking method, and discuss together with friends for summarizing the lesson.


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How to Cite

Thikkhaphanyo , P., Wongsuwan , N., & Srinok , S. . (2022). Result of Learning Activity by Faith Creation according to Yônisômanasikan as Effective for Solution of 6th Primary Students. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(1), 191–203. Retrieved from