Factors related to behavior of preparation for death of the elderly in 24 hours meditation assembly, Prachinburi province.


  • พระชาย อภินนฺโท (ปริสัญญุตานนท์) คณะสังคมศาสตร์ มจร วังน้อย พระนครศรีอยุธยา


Factors related, behavior, preparation for death, elderly



             This research had three objectives: 1) to study level of behavior of preparation for death of the elderly in 24 hours meditation assembly, Prachinburi province, 2) to compare level of behavior of preparation for death of the elderly in 24 hours meditation assembly, Prachinburi province with different personal factors.  3) to study correlation between relevant factors and level of behavior of preparation for death of the elderly in 24 hours meditation assembly, Prachinburi province. 110 elderlies in 24 hours meditation assembly, Prachinburi province were randomized by purposive random sampling method to be samples of this research. Tool of this research is questionnaire consist of personal information, factors relevant to behavior of preparation for death, and behavior of preparation for death. Statistics namely frequency, percentage, mean, SD, t- test,  one-way Anova,  and hypothesis were tested at statistical significant level at .05.

              This research was found that the factors relevant to behavior of preparation for death have positive correlation to behavior of preparation for death in moderate level (r=.32) at significant level .05. This  is good trend  for the elderly who were participated  meditation practice.   


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How to Cite

(ปริสัญญุตานนท์) พ. อ. (2019). Factors related to behavior of preparation for death of the elderly in 24 hours meditation assembly, Prachinburi province. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 5(1), 283–292. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/175787