Organization Development According to Good Governance in Thailand 4.0


  • พระสมนึก ธีรปญฺโญ (กลับน้อม) คณะสังคมศาสตร์ มจร วังน้อย พระนครศรีอยุธยา
  • นัยนา เกิดวิชัย


Organization Development, Good Governance, Thailand 4.0



          The article on "Organization Development According to Good Governance in Thailand 4.0" is an academic that aims to study the development of the body within the modern situation by adhering to the concept of good governance as a framework for development. This article used the study method from the document research.

The results of the study showed that organizational development with goals and in accordance with good governance It is important and necessary in the modern era. That is necessary for competition in the digital age AI (AI) that must be fair to both members in the organization, transparency and can be checked Which will be an important base that leads to competition Supports under changing circumstances and constantly changing And more importantly, will benefit the organization and members of society in a holistic way



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How to Cite

(กลับน้อม) พ. ธ., & เกิดวิชัย น. (2019). Organization Development According to Good Governance in Thailand 4.0. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 5(1), 115–130. Retrieved from