Infectious Rate of Fresh Traumatic Wounds Class I after Following the Implementation of the Guidelines for Fresh Traumatic Wounds at Bangkhla Hospital, Chachoengsao Province

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อัจฉราณี สังสะนะ
Anisa Arunkeeree
Phanikarn Phuttharaksa
Benja Nimnaul


Objective: The purpose of this research was to explore the effectiveness of practice guidelines for patients with Class I fresh traumatic wounds defined as clean-contaminated wounds that did not receive antibiotics for infection at Bangkhla Hospital, Chachoengsao Province.
Design: This study is a prospective observational study.
Materials and Methods: The samples were Class I fresh traumatic wounds defined as clean-contaminated wounds that did not receive antibiotics for the prevention of infection. All participants were patients who received treatment in the Emergency Room, Bangkhla Hospital between October 2018 and September 2020. Selective a sample group were formed by purposive selection according to the criteria until complete. The practice guidelines were used for determining fresh traumatic wounds. The case record forms and the appointment letters with comprehensible instructions were employed for all samples. The content validity index was 1. Data was collected by Interview for basic information in research studies. Wound care was provided according to the practice guidelines. Appointments for wound dressing were provided at Bangkhla Hospital until the wound was healed. The data were analyzed by statistical analysis reported as mean, standard deviation, and percentage. 
Results: Two hundred ninety-nine samples treated following the practice guidelines showed a 0% infection rate because the guidelines were intensely followed. The wound was well cared before wound dressing or suturing. Wound care at home was provided and was monitored by wound dressing appointments at the hospital for all participants.
Conclusion: Patients with Class I fresh traumatic wounds received care due to the practice guidelines. No wound infection was found. This may infer that the hospital’s personnel should comply with guidelines strictly. Following the wound care guidelines for fresh traumatic wounds provides safety for patients and can reduce the use of antibiotics.

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How to Cite
สังสะนะ อ, Arunkeeree A, Phuttharaksa P, Nimnaul B. Infectious Rate of Fresh Traumatic Wounds Class I after Following the Implementation of the Guidelines for Fresh Traumatic Wounds at Bangkhla Hospital, Chachoengsao Province. PCFM [internet]. 2021 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];4(3):81-9. available from:
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