Strategic Leadership, Creativity, Organization Culture, and Learning Organization Affecting to Operational effectiveness of Local Administrative Organizations
Strategic leadership, Creativity, Organization culture, Learning organizations, Local administrative operationsAbstract
This research aims to study the 1) levels of strategic leadership, creativity, organization culture, learning organization and the effectiveness of local administrative organizations 2) Influence of strategic leadership, creativity, organization culture, and learning organization on the effectiveness of local administrative organizations, and 3) to develop the model effectiveness of local administrative organizations. This research is quantitative. The sample was 420 executives, executives, directors, and academics/practitioners using a randomized group method. Collect data using questionnaires Analyze data with structural equations. The finding found that 1) the level of effectiveness of local administrative organizations is the highest, organizational culture, organization of learning. Strategic leadership Creativity 2) Strategic leadership Creativity Organizational culture Learning organizations influence the effectiveness of local government organizations 3) The local administrative organizations effectiveness model developed by the researchers is the "SSB Model", a model for promoting the core practices of local government organizations that emphasize community participation in promoting the quality of life with local administrative organizations to improve the quality of life of citizens.
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