Editor : Asst. Prof.Dr. Natpatsaya Setthachotsombut
Duties of Editors
- The editors are responsible for evaluating the quality of a manuscript for publication in the journal.
- The editors must perform all duties carefully to certify the quality of a manuscript being published, bearing in mind that the journal has clearly defined goals and standards.
- The editors must give reasons or provide any information related to the review process by others and must be well prepared to justify any deviations that may arise from the review process by others.
- The editors must perform and complete all tasks of the journal within the specific period for publication
- The editors must decide to accept or reject a manuscript for publication.
- The editors must allow authors to issue an appeal providing those authors hold different opinions from the editors.
- The editors must not disclose any information of authors and reviewers to other parties who are not involved in any stage of paper evaluation whatsoever.
- The editors must not reject a paper for publication solely based on their suspicion or uncertainty; they must supply sound evidence to justify such doubt.
- The editors must not decide to accept articles rejected by two peer reviews.
- The editors are required to verify the plagiarism of articles.
- In case the editors are changed, the newly appointed editors must not revoke a decision to accept a paper that has been previously rejected by the former editors unless proven appropriately and clearly.
- If editors detect plagiarism during the article evaluation process. The editors must stop the evaluation process and immediately contact the author for clarification or reasons for considering accepting or rejecting an article.
- The editors must not publish a paper that has been previously published elsewhere.
- The editors must have a management system that is not in conflict of interest with authors and reviewers as well as the editorial board.
- The editors must support freedom of expression, maintain the correctness of the scholarly work, and protect the intellectual property standards.