Transformational Leadership Job Satisfaction Work Engagement and Innovative Work Behavior affecting the Performance of the National Telecom Public Company Limited
Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, Innovative Work Behavior, organization PerformanceAbstract
This research aims to 1) study the level of transformational leadership, job satisfaction, work engagement and innovative work behaviors that affect the operating performance of the National Telecom Public Company Limited. 2) The influence of transformational leadership, job satisfaction, work engagement and innovative work behaviors on the operating performance of the National Telecom Public Company Limited. 3) The development of an operating performance model of the National Telecom Public Company Limited. The mixed research method was applied between the quantitative and qualitative ones. The quantitative sample consisted of 380 employees, whereas data were collected through questionnaires and later analyzed by structural equation modelling. The qualitative sample consisted of 15 National Telecom Public Company Limited executives, whereas data were collected through interviewing and content analysis. The findings revealed that 1) the transformational leadership, job satisfaction, work engagement, innovative work behavior and operating performance of the National Telecom Public Company Limited were all at the highest level. 2) Transformational leadership, job satisfaction, work engagement, innovative work behavior influenced the operating performance of the National Telecom Public Company Limited at the statistical significance level of .05 (R2=.87), and 3) the “T J W I P Model” developed by this research could be further applied for defining the operating policies of the National Telecom Public Company Limited to enhance competitiveness under targeted determination of being the largest telecommunication service provider in Thailand.
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