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ไตรรงค์ ชัยชนะ
สังเวียน เทพผา


The objective of this dissertation is to study the application of administrative measures for prevention and suppression of human trafficking, which empowers government officials to proceed in terms of issuing administrative orders to the owner or the operator of the establishment to follow. If violated or failed to follow, then it might be unable to operate that business, which includes being enforced to use administrative measures that is administrative penalty. In addition, the problem of human trafficking comes from treaties and protocols, but the form of rules and pressures were forced like dark European age, who claimed and hunted down the atheist, and they are witch, who must get punished. When there was no witch then America claimed it’s neither democratic nor communist, which must be pressurized and devastated. Recently they claimed about human trafficking then pressurized and cut benefits, which is similar concept of hunting the witches and communists.

          The research results, the researcher found that in Anti-Human Trafficking Act B.E. 2551, as amended by the Anti-Human Trafficking (No.2) B.E. 2558, which was announced in the Government Gazette, according to book 132, episode 34, dated 28 April B.E. 2558. It appears that there are several administrative measures that can be used to prevent and suppress the human trafficking. In addition, the announcement of the Prime Minister’s Office dated on 15 November 2558, was announced in the Government Gazette on 19 November 2558 regrading on measures to prevent and suppress human trafficking in factory establishment and vehicle announcement has determined many places under the measure, which are risky places that might cause human trafficking. It is found that administrative measures play a role and has appropriateness in applying to control, prevent and suppress human trafficking in protecting location at risk of committing human trafficking or other related offenses. If the officials understand the role and duty, it can be enforced as the law. Due to the law enforcement used by the officials under the Anti-Human Trafficking Act B.E. 2551, the law specifically authorizes without having to go through court proceedings, however, there are problems in implementation of administrative measures into practice and also some obstacles in bringing the law into practice for full efficiency. Therefore, there is suggestion that competent officials should have authority in applying the administrative measures to be suitable by suggesting to amend the Anti-Human Trafficking Act B.E. 2551 to be consistent with the administrative measures to be used in preventing and suppressing the human trafficking according to the true intention forever.

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How to Cite
ชัยชนะ ไ., & เทพผา ส. (2020). IMPLEMENTING ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES TO PREVENT AND SUPPRESS HUMAN TRAFFICKING. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(10), 5224–5244. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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