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นริดา อินนาค
อติพร เกิดเรือง


The objectives of the research were 1) to study the effectiveness level of developing the quality of life for the elderly at Lampang province, 2) to consider the factors affecting the quality of life development of the elderly with relation to the effectiveness of the quality of life development of the elderly at Lampang province, 3) to examine the factors that affect the effectiveness of the quality of life development of the elderly at Lampang province, and 4) to inspect the problems, obstacles, and needs of the elderly in order to improve the quality of life of the elderly at Lampang province. Methodology was the mixed methods rearch : The Quantitative research collected data from 400 samples of elderly persons living at Lampang province, with close ended questionnaires and analyzed data with social research analysis program with frequencies, percentiles, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis and multiple regression analysis. The Qualitative research collected data from 20 key informants with structured-in-depth-interview scripts. Data were analyzed by descriptive interpretation.

          Findings were as follows:

  1. The results showed that the effectiveness of the quality of life development of the elderly at Lampang province overall was at a high level. Opinions toward each aspect were also at high level; education of lifelong learning. Followed by health and hygiene for the elderly and promotion of employment and income security, respectively.

  2. The factors affecting the quality of life development of the elderly with relation to support from the elderly family a positive correlation at high level (r = .738) with a significance level of 0.01. Relationship on many levels the second factor support of the support from the local government organization at high level (r = .719) with a significance level of 0.01. The third factor is the support from the central government at correlated moderately (r = .515) with a significance level of 0.01. and the support from the community and society respectively at correlated low levels (r = .470) with a significance level of 0.01.

  3. The factors that affect the effectiveness of the quality of life development of the elderly at Lampang province, including with 4 factors : that support from the elderly family, the support from the local government organization, the support from the central government and the support from the community and society respectively at statistical significant level at .01. Predict the effectiveness of the quality of life of the elderly receive 72.70 percent.

  4. The support from the community and society respectively. As for the problems, obstacles, and needs of the elderly for effectiveness of the quality of life of the elderly at Lampang was early support for the elderly to work on their skills, improvement of public health policy, medical service, various facilities for the elderly and the elderly want to receive more premiums to improve their quality of life.

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How to Cite
อินนาค น., & เกิดเรือง อ. (2020). QUALITY OF LIFE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELDERLY AT LAMPANG PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(10), 5407–5424. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/225567
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