“Sung Wai Sang Muang Tha Ngam” Developing the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Tha Ngam Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Inburi District, Singburi Province

Titus Mala
Keywords: Developing the Quality of Life of the Elderly, Elder, Quality of Life, Sung Wai Sang Muang Tha Ngam
Published: Apr 16, 2024


         The purpose of this research article is to study the development of the quality of life of the elderly in the area of Tha Ngam Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Inburi District, Singburi Province. This is qualitative research using interviews with 50 key informants, observation of activities to improve the quality of life of the elderly. and documentary research. Data were analyzed according to qualitative research methods, by providing meaning, content analysis and interpretation.

         The results of the study found that Tha Ngam Subdistrict Administrative Organization has aged society. Therefore, the concept of “Sung Wai Sang Muang Tha Ngam” with an aim to solve the problems of the elderly in 5 dimensions. On the social side, there are various activities for gathering together the elderly. On the economic side, there is the development of additional careers to generate income. In terms of health, there is a system of caring for the elderly by volunteers in the community. In terms of the environment, there is care for the elderly's residences under the Universal Design by Tha Ngam. And participation by creating a network of cooperation between the government, private sector, public sector, and academic institutions. By carrying out 6 sets of main activities, consisting of developing the potential of the elderly. Developing an environment that is conducive to the elderly. Developing the elderly service system. Setting up a fund or providing welfare assistance. Developing data and using information and there are rules and regulations for guidelines to support the implementation of activities.


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How to Cite

Mala, T. (2024). “Sung Wai Sang Muang Tha Ngam” Developing the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Tha Ngam Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Inburi District, Singburi Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 8(1), 367–382. https://doi.org/10.14456/jlgisrru.2024.22


Research Articles



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