SatisfactThe Satisfaction of the Local Residents with the Services Povided by the Sub-District Administrative Organization in Mueang Nong Bua Lamphu District, Nong Bua Lamphu Provinceion of The People in The Area to The Services of Nongbua Lamphu Subdistrict Mueang Nongbua Lamphu District Nongbua Lamphu Province

Sangusa Phumongkolsuriya
Danai Lamkham
Theerawat Hinkaew
Keywords: Satisfaction, Service, Sub-District Administrative Organization
Published: Apr 15, 2024


The main objective of this research was to study the satisfaction of the people in the area. to the services of Nong Bua Sub-district Administrative Organization The samples used in this research were people living in the area of Nong Bua Sub-district Administrative Organization. A total of 378 people were used by Taro Yamane's computational formula, and used the method of selecting random samples (Accidental random sampling) by distributing questionnaires to sample groups who came to use services in the area of the Nong Bua Sub-district Administrative Organization. Mueang Nong Bua Lamphu District Nong Bua Lamphu Province The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire. To find the confidence value, use the coefficient alpha (Coefficient of Alpha), which must have a confidence value of 0.75 or higher. Statistics used in the analysis include percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics include T-Test and F-test.
The results showed that Satisfaction of the people in the area to the services of Nong Bua Sub-district Administrative Organization Muaeng District Nong Bua Lamphu Province. Overall, it was at a high level ( = 3.62) and when considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest mean was the response to the service recipient (  = 3.72), followed by the knowledge and understanding of the service recipient ( = 3.71) and the aspect with the least mean was the concrete service ( = 3.37). to the services of Nong Bua Sub-district Administrative Organization Classified by sex, age, education level, occupation and average monthly income found that overall people with different gender, age, education level, occupation and average monthly income. Satisfied with the service of Nong Bua Sub-district Administrative Organization no different which is not in accordance with the assumptions set and when considering each aspect It was found that all aspects were not different. Recommendations Guidelines for improving the service of Nong Bua Sub-district Administrative Organization include: there should be a policy to seek modern information technology equipment to meet the needs of use. The skills of information network operators are continually developed.


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How to Cite

Phumongkolsuriya, S., Lamkham, D., & Hinkaew, T. (2024). SatisfactThe Satisfaction of the Local Residents with the Services Povided by the Sub-District Administrative Organization in Mueang Nong Bua Lamphu District, Nong Bua Lamphu Provinceion of The People in The Area to The Services of Nongbua Lamphu Subdistrict Mueang Nongbua Lamphu District Nongbua Lamphu Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 8(1), 311–326.


Research Articles



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