Public Participation in Local Development of Nong Wua So Municipal District Nong Wua So District Udon Thani Province

Theera Suwannasang
Danai Lamkham
Naspong Klinchampa
Keywords: Participation, Local Development, Nongwua So Sub-District Municipality
Published: Apr 15, 2024


 This research has the objective 1) To study the level of participation of the people in the local development of the community in the Nong Wua So Subdistrict Municipality. Nong Wua So District Udon Thani Province 2) To compare the level of participation of the people in the local development of the community in the Nong Wua So Subdistrict Municipality. Nong Wua So District Udon Thani Province Classified by sex, age and education level; and 3) to study guidelines for the participation of people in local development of Nong Wua So Sub-District Municipality, Nong Wua So District. Udon Thani Province The sample group used in this study was the head of the household in Nong Wua So sub-district. Nong Wua So District There were 338 persons in Udon Thani Province. The tool used in the study was a questionnaire and statistics used for data analysis. Is descriptive statistics, ie mean, percentage, standard deviation Inferential statistics include t-test and F-test.
The research results were found that The level of public participation in local development of Nong Wua So Sub-District Municipality, Nong Wua So District, Udon Thani Province Overall, it was at the high level ( = 4.06). When considering each aspect, it was found that the side with the highest mean was decision participation ( = 4.20), followed by the Participation was benefited ( = 4.03). The areas with the lowest mean were the participation ( = 3.98) and the results of comparative analysis of the level of public participation. In the local development of Nongwua So Sub-District Municipality, Nongwua So District, Udon Thani Province Classified by sex, age and education level, found that sex, age and education level. Overall there is no difference.
Recommendations for the participation of people in local development of communities in Nongwua So Sub-District Municipality, Nongwua So District, Udon Thani Province, should local development activities, such as organizing development activities in villages such as roads, waterworks, public utilities, participating in various activities of the municipality, proposing activities in project preparation. And create projects for local development.


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How to Cite

Suwannasang, T., Lamkham, D., & Klinchampa, N. (2024). Public Participation in Local Development of Nong Wua So Municipal District Nong Wua So District Udon Thani Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 8(1), 295–310.


Research Articles



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