The Commodification of Hae Malai Khaow Tok Festival, Mahachanachai Distruct, Yasothon Province

Bundit Wongmun
Rattana Panyapa
Keywords: Festival, Cultural Commodities, Soft Power, Hae Malai Khaow Tok, The Commodification
Published: Apr 13, 2024


         The purpose of this research was to study the Examine the process of transforming the ritual of threshing rice into a commodity in the traditional ceremony of "Ma Lai Kao Tok" in the district of Maha Chana Chai, Yasothon province. Propose conservation and promotion strategies for local wisdom. This qualitative research collects and analyzes data from documents, observations, in-depth interviews, and group discussions. Key informants include 30 individuals, consisting of monks, community leaders, and local government representatives at the district and provincial levels. The study period spans from May to October 2016. The theoretical frameworks used in this research include the concepts of local wisdom, rice worship, cultural commodities, the dynamics of power, and the theory of the process of commodification

          The results of the study showed that tradition of "Malai Khao Tok" (rice offering ceremony) arises from historical, social, cultural, economic, and political conditions, evolving to become a commodity divided into three periods as follows:First Period: Building Village Communities (Before 2500 B.E.):In this period, the ceremony in village communities originated from beliefs in the spiritual significance of the "Dok Mon Tharap" flower. It began as a cultural commodity associated with the 12 agricultural seasons, with monks and villagers being the main participants. Personal funds were used to create small-scale rice offering displays not exceeding 1 meter. Second Period: Local Tradition (B.E. 2540 – 2555): During this period, local government entities such as Tambon Fayhad Municipality, Maha Chana Chai District, and the Tourism Authority of Thailand became involved. Activities within the ceremony expanded to include a 3-5 day duration, concerts, and a competition for the best rice offering, awarded with a royal trophy. This led to the outsourcing of creating the rice offerings. Third Period: Tourism Tradition (B.E. 2556 – 2566):The ceremony evolved into a tourism commodity under the "5F" policy, resulting in large-scale and spectacular rice offerings. The events now include processions, opening ceremonies, and are organized under state regulations. The focus shifted towards making cultural heritage a commodity, particularly emphasizing "soft power." Policy and strategies should align with the preservation and promotion of local wisdom, positioning the "Malai Khao Tok" as a slogan for Yasothon province. This supports the "Organic Agriculture, Isaan Lifestyle" policy, promoting group tourism and community-based tourism. In practice, the assessment of event management, methods, personnel, budgeting, and participation is crucial for sustainable tourism and soft power development.


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Wongmun, B. . ., & Panyapa, R. (2024). The Commodification of Hae Malai Khaow Tok Festival, Mahachanachai Distruct, Yasothon Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 8(1), 141–158.


Research Articles



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