The Qualifications of Desirable Tax Accountants of Accounting Offices in Muang District Udon Thani Province

Vanida Na Lamphun
Miruntee Kamma
Peerayut Silaprom
Suwitchan Kaewsuwan
Keywords: Tax Accountant Qualifications, Accounting Offices, Accounting Profession, Accounting Professional Ethics
Published: Apr 14, 2024


         The purpose of the research were: 1) to the qualifications of desirable  tax accountants of  accounting offices in Muang District Udon Thani Province 2) to study the desirable qualities of tax accountants in developing a graduate accounting curriculum. To be in line with the needs of accounting operators In Mueang District, Udon Thani Province, the population 41 accounting offices.The tool used for data collection was a questionnaire. The statistic for data analysis were mean standard deviation The results of the research were as follows:1) Required Qualifications of a Tax Accountant of the accounting office in Mueang, District Udon Thani Province, found that accounting office operators have a need for tax accountants with qualifications in various fields. Overall and in all aspects at the highest level, including accounting professional ethics, taxation, and characteristics of accountants in their work. Accounting profession and at a large level in computers. 2) To study the desirable qualities of tax accountants in developing a graduate accounting curriculum. To be in line with the needs of accounting operators In Mueang District, Udon Thani Province, it was found that Entrepreneurs place the greatest importance on taxation. This is in line with the development of the curriculum in the subject of taxation in Practice.


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How to Cite

Na Lamphun, V., Kamma, M., Silaprom, P., & Kaewsuwan, S. (2024). The Qualifications of Desirable Tax Accountants of Accounting Offices in Muang District Udon Thani Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 8(1), 209–222.


Research Articles



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