The Design of a 3D Short Film Reflecting the Hunting of Helmeted Hornbill

Opas Kaewtai
Thanakit Soontronwuttisilp
Keywords: 3D Animation, Short Film, Helmeted Hornbill
Published: Feb 22, 2024


         The purpose of this research is to study the design, creation, and audience satisfaction of a 3D short film reflecting the hunting of hornbills. The research is qualitative and the sample consisted of 91 members of the Facebook group “Hornbill Conservationists”. The research tools consisted of 1) a 3D short film reflecting the hunting of hornbills, 2) a quality evaluation form for the 3D short film reflecting the hunting of hornbills, and 3) a satisfaction survey form for the 3D short film reflecting the hunting of hornbills. Data were collected through unstructured interviews, focusing on the physical characteristics of hornbills, bird movements, and behaviors. Data were analyzed by analyzing data from documents related to hornbills, analyzing the design of the 3D short film, analyzing the quality evaluation scores, and analyzing the satisfaction results of the 3D short film using the mean and standard deviation.

         The results of the research found that the 3D short film reflecting the hunting of hornbills had a quality score of 4.5, which is very good. The satisfaction with the 3D short film reflecting the hunting of hornbills was at an average score of 4.4, which is the highest level of satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Kaewtai, O., & Soontronwuttisilp, T. (2024). The Design of a 3D Short Film Reflecting the Hunting of Helmeted Hornbill. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 8(1), 19–34.


Research Articles



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