Factors Affecting Decision-Making for Workation Travel Among Working-Aged People in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area

Teerapat Wongkamna
Atchareeya Saknarong
Keywords: Work-life Balance, Motivation, Travel Element 5A’s, Workation Travel
Published: Apr 13, 2024


         The purposes of this research are to study the work-life balance, motivation and travel element 5A’s affecting decision-making on workation travel of working-aged people in Bangkok metropolitan area. The sample consisted of 400 working-aged people in the Bangkok metropolitan area who chose workation travel. A questionnaire was used as the tool for data collection. Data analysis using descriptive statistics included mean, percentage and standard deviation. The statistics for hypothesis testing included a t-test, one-way analysis of variance and multiple regression analysis. The results of the research found that most of the respondents were female, aged 29-38, single, held a Bachelor's degree, an income of 30,001-45,000 Baht worked as private employees. The results of hypothesis testing found that working-aged people in the Bangkok metropolitan area were different ages, professional status, education level and income made different decisions regarding workation travel. The results of work-life balance factors found that time and participation affected decision-making for workation travel among working-aged people in the Bangkok metropolitan area, at a statistical level of 0.05 and the adjusted R2 was 25.2%. The results of motivation factors found that intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation affected decisions making for workation travel of working-aged people in the Bangkok metropolitan area, at a statistical level of 0.05 and the adjusted R2 was 11.7%. The results of travel elements 5A’s factors found that attraction, activities, amenities and accommodation affecting decisions for workation travel of working-aged people in the in Bangkok metropolitan area, at a statistical level of 0.05 and the adjusted R2 was 32.2%.


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How to Cite

Wongkamna, T., & Saknarong, A. (2024). Factors Affecting Decision-Making for Workation Travel Among Working-Aged People in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 8(1), 123–140. https://doi.org/10.14456/jlgisrru.2024.9


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