Development of Analytical Thinking Skills of Contemplative Education for The Third-year General Science Students

Samniang Choolserm
Keywords: Skills, Analytical Thinking, Contemplative Education
Published: Dec 7, 2023


         The purpose of this research was to compare the analytical thinking skills of the third-year general science students before and after using the contemplative education. The target group of this study consisted of 33 third-year- general science students, academic year 2021. The instruments used for gathering data were:                         1) eight of contemplative education learning activities 2) the analytical thinking skills test. The duration of experiment covered eight- week period.  The data were analyzed by the statistical dependent sample t-test.

         The results of the study revealed that the third-year general science students’ analytical thinking skills after using the contemplative education was significantly higher than the ability before using the contemplative education learning activities at the .05 level.


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How to Cite

Choolserm, S. (2023). Development of Analytical Thinking Skills of Contemplative Education for The Third-year General Science Students. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(3), 97–104.


Research Articles



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