A Needs Analysis of English Language Teaching and Learning Performance for English Major Students in Faculty of Education at Roi Et Rajabhat University

Ratchadaporn Sriphiboon
Thanikarn Siripak
Angcharin Thongpan
Nujira Suwannatho
Piyathida Srisiri
Keywords: English Language Teaching, Needs Analysis, Performance
Published: Dec 6, 2023


         The main purpose of this study was to study a needs analysis of English language teaching and learning performance for English major students in a faculty of Education at Roi Et Rajabhat University. Scope of the qualitative study was the 7 entrepreneurs’ key informants and the quantitative study was 511 English language teachers who working under the Roi Et Rajabhat University ’s school network in the first semester of 2022 academic year. The sample consisted of the stratified random sampling selected of 124 English teachers. The research instruments used to collect the data were structured interview form and questionnaire. The statistics for analyzing the data were arithmetic mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The findings of this research were as follows:

         An English language teaching and learning performance for English major students in faculty of education at Roi Et Rajabhat University were; 1) Knowledge domains, the language skills were considered as a highest level, principles of language teaching and language culture respectively. 2) Skills domains, designing materials and language syllabus were considered as a highest level, problem solving and digital literacy. 3) Ethics domains, teacher s’ ethics were considered as a highest level, positive attitude towards teacher professional and compassion.                          4) Character domains, self- confident was considered as a highest level, curious and teamwork respectively.


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How to Cite

Sriphiboon, R., Siripak, T., Thongpan, A., Suwannatho, N., & Srisiri, P. (2023). A Needs Analysis of English Language Teaching and Learning Performance for English Major Students in Faculty of Education at Roi Et Rajabhat University. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(3), 81–96. https://doi.org/10.14456/jlgisrru.2023.49


Research Articles



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