Guidelines for Enhancing Network Community Enterprises and Processing Organic Jasmine Rice Products with Participation
This research’s objectives were to 1) study the guideline to enhance network community enterprises and process organic jasmine rice products with participation and 2) develop innovative media to increase the income of the community enterprise network. The study was a research and development which used two phases for data collection method. The first phase was the qualitative which including 12 people by purposive sampling. The research tools were data recording form and research questions. The data collection method was through group interviews from participatory workshops with farmers producing organic jasmine rice. The data analysis used content analysis from stakeholders. Moreover, the second phase which used a quantitative research. The sample group of qualitative research included 400 people in Surin province who collected by accidental sampling. The research tools were a users’ satisfaction questionnaire of using innovative media to increase the income of the community enterprise network. The data collection method using the sample group to respond the questionnaire regarding their satisfaction with the media of innovative organic jasmine rice processed products. The statistical data analysis used descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The results were as follows: 1) The enhancing network community enterprises and process organic jasmine rice products with participation and processing organic jasmine rice products in a participatory way found the group has expanded to establish groups at the community level to the sub-district level. There was a common vision which was a “Farmers in Kut Wai sub-district will create happiness and increase income with participatory organic agriculture”. The creating of a group structure in the form of a committee The network has been upgraded by creating network partners at the district and provincial levels. In the field of processing organic jasmine rice products showed that the community had a process of learning how to transform Khao Mao into seasoned crackers. 2) The results of developing innovative media to increase the income of the community enterprise network including logo, video media, and infographic brochure media combined with augmented reality technology. The study of the measurement of the satisfaction level towards innovative media for organic jasmine rice processed products overall was at a very high level (𝑥̅ = 4.41).
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