Guidelines for improving the Efficiency of Public Services of Huai Khamin Administrative Organization
This research study is to 1) study the work efficiency of the people 2) to provide the efficiency of the people 3) to provide a research study of the work efficiency of the people. Huai Khamin Subdistrict Administrative Organization Dan Chang District, Suphan Buri Province, sample group Characteristics of the study: 118 people. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including setting standard values and standards and structured interviews with 5 people. The results of the research found that the performance of citizens, especially at a moderate level, when considering the resources aspect of monitoring, top executives had the highest level of control ( = 3.69, S.D. = 0.65), followed by the highest level of control. Maintaining the feeling and aspect of the facility ( = 3.64, S.D. = 0.65), control systems and procedures have the highest working ability ( = 3.18, S.D. = 0.84). Comparing the efficiency of public service delivery Classified according to different ages Service efficiency levels are no different. Classified according to educational level and occupation, different performance levels Different services.
Suggestions if the Huai Khamin Subdistrict Administrative Organization wants to improve the efficiency of services for the people who use the services to be more efficient or at the highest level. The quality of service must be improved to reach a better standard. By applying processes and procedures. Develop clarity in diagrams showing service steps that are convenient, fast, simple, and not complicated.
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