The Roles of Community in Support Process of plan Performance for The Health in MaBa Sub-District Administrative Organization of Thung Khao Luang District in Roi Et Province

Supan Somsa
Keywords: The roles of Community, Plan Performance For The Health, Sub-District Administrative Organization
Published: Dec 10, 2023


         The objectives of this research were to study the levels on the roles of community in support process of plan performance for the health, to compare the roles of community in support process of plan performance by divinding on personal factors and to find the guidelines on creation of the roles for community in support  process of plan performance for thehealth in MaBa Sub-District Administrative Organization of Thung Khao Luang District in Roi Et Province. This research was on mixed method between Quantitative research and Qualitative Research. The research used the sampling method for receiving The samples using for collecting Quantitative data as the chieves of families in the area of MaBa Sub-District for 325 persons by limit on coefficient of the percentag of 95 by stratified random sampling by  divinding the proportion of samples into 10 groups from 10 communities by the proportion on of chieves of families of each community which were on different appearawces  and then calculated  the samplessizes from10 communities and limited the sizes of samples by using the reculation of  Yamane  1667.  The collecting of data used   Questionnaires and purposive groups used specify selection for selection of Qualitative data and used the interview method for 35 persons included representatives of village public health volunteers for 10 persons, directors of sub- District hospital for health support for 2 persons, village headmen, assistant village headmen,  District chieves and assistant District chieves from 10 communities for 20 persons and representatives of Sub-Division public health and environment for 3 persons, The statistics using for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation The hypotmesis testing included included t-test (Independent Sample) and F-test (One Way ANOVA).

         The results of finding, were as follows:       

         The roles of community in the process of plan performance for the health were in high level foroverall. The results on analysis and comparision  of roles in the process of plan performance for the health by dividing on personal factors  were founded that the chieves of families in the area of MaBa Sub-District with difference of Gender, education levels and occupation were on difference for the roles in support process of plan performance for the health and were on statistical significance at, .05 level and the Guidelinrs on creation of the roles for community in support process of plan performance for the health were founded that the platform should be on performance in the village for meeting and receiving the Guidelines on plan performance for solving public health problems, campaign the concepts and suggession for solving public health problems of the village and shouldbe  on Giving opportunity for villagers on concept expression and suggession or increasing other data.


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How to Cite

Somsa, S. (2023). The Roles of Community in Support Process of plan Performance for The Health in MaBa Sub-District Administrative Organization of Thung Khao Luang District in Roi Et Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(3), 227–240.


Research Articles



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