Environment Economic Evaluation in Transportation System Development for Green University Policy, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University and Local Communities Case Study

Surawut Sudha
Dussadeeporn Hirun
Keywords: Carbon Footprint, Electrical Vehicle, Global Warming, Green Energy, Greenhouse Gases
Published: Dec 8, 2023


         The purpose of this research was to study in assessing environmental economic impacts on public transport within educational institutions and surrounding communities by using normal fuel type public transport vehicles and electric vehicles. By surveying the opinions of personnel, students and people in nearby communities, including other effects, in order to prepare for to be a sustainable green university in the near future. The determining the number of groups, the sample size was calculated using the Taro Yamane method (Yamane, 1973) which results the sample size for this research was 376 people. After that, design and preparation of opinion questionnaires will be made. The characteristics, behavior, Usage of vehicles and fuel, greenhouse gas emissions, travel cost, electric vehicles, and policy would be analyzed. The results showed that respondents' fuel consumption Gasoline fuel is used the most representing 88.68 percent, diesel 11.05 percent. The cost of refueling each time, not exceeding 100 baht, was the highest, accounting for 82.21%. Usage period of 4-7 days, 93.27 percent. The cost of vehicle maintenance in the range of about 1,001-5,000 baht is the highest, representing 66.58 percent, with more than 54.18 percent having maintenance costs 1 time in 2-6 months. Those who are not satisfied with the type of vehicle and the current fuel used up to 94.34 percent and are interested in electric vehicles as high as 81.13 percent. If the university provides a vehicle rental service own electric power. The type of vehicle that was most interested in electric bikes accounted for 83.83 percent. Type of rental per semester 67.39%. Daily rental rate 10-15 baht 96.23%. All suggest that universities should have their own charging stations now and should be established closest to Gate 1, accounting for 78.17 percent. Greenhouse gas emissions from fuel combustion in the transportation sector of the respondents' normal commute to the university area Including nearby communities have greenhouse gas emissions of up to 553.13 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year or an average of 1.49 tons of carbon dioxide per person per year. If the university If there will be promotion of electric vehicles in the form of transportation systems public university There is still a risk of choosing a policy in this regard because only 7.82 percent of the 85-year-olds use public transport services. Interested if there is a policy to rent electric bikes up to 83.83 percent, if there is a daily rental fee of 10-15 Baht, 96.23 percent, monthly 250-300 Baht, 97.84 percent and yearly 2,000-2,500 Baht, 100 percent, but if service is provided Rent by semester will be the most interested at 67.39 percent. Respondents are aware that pushing for policies to support the use of energy vehicles electricity in that university will create an image for the university to become a green university in the future by 45.28% and saw that the advocacy of this policy would help Reducing global warming in one way, 28.03 percent, which in total is more than 73.31 percent. which suggests that Most respondents realized the importance of about the use of vehicles electric energy which is clean energy will result in a green university society and expectation to be a green university at the highest level, reaching 83.83%. If the transport energy is still used in the original form, it will cause environmental cost loss in the form of fuel energy burning in the transport sector totaling 26,313.52 baht per day or a total of 9,604,433.82 baht per year. Construction of electric vehicle charging stations on campus. In the case of building a small EV charging station with cabinets and conventional electric charging systems or 1 AC Charging and 1 fast charging or DC Charging, it will cost 2.1 million for the normal type and 2.6 million for the Solar Rooftop type. The grant is 2.3 and 2.8 years respectively.


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How to Cite

Sudha, S., & Hirun, D. (2023). Environment Economic Evaluation in Transportation System Development for Green University Policy, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University and Local Communities Case Study. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(3), 171–190. https://doi.org/10.14456/jlgisrru.2023.55


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