Several Considerations regarding the Freedom of a Civil Official to engage in an Occupation Outside Official working Hours

Krirkkiat Thipchai
Treeneat Sarapong
Kankanya Jaikarnwongsakul
Wasin Suwannarat
Kittisak Noochaikaew
Keywords: Freedom to engage the Outside official working hours, Civil Servants, Break the Discipline
Published: Dec 21, 2023


         The objective of this article is to study about the Outside official working hours an occupation of civil servants, whether or not how they usually can work during in that time. That is, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.  and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and stop working on Saturdays and Sundays in every week. So, from 4:31 p.m. onwards from Monday to Friday and Saturday to Sunday. Then, the day that civil servants don’t have to go to work because it is off the outside official working hours. In the event of considering the provisions in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, 2017, Section 40 has stated that “A person shall enjoy the liberty to engage in an occupation” means that outside of office hours, it is the liberty of civil servants to engage in any occupation.

          Because in general, civil servants will earn only salaries and will not engage in other occupations outside official working hours, but there is also a misconception that civil servants cannot pursue a career outside official working hours. This article will be a guideline for civil servants to consider in order to make decisions before pursuing a career outside official service hours.

The study found that Civil servants can work part-time, either as a self-employed person or as a hired worker. In the case of self-employed that which must not be a managing director. or manager or holding any other positions with similar work characteristics in the partnership or company

         However, Civil Servants have the freedom to engage in occupations outside official service hours. but must be careful of their own behavior, so that there is no conduct that is the outside office hours. In addition of Civil Service Act, B.E.2551 (2008) is acts that “Section 82. A civil servant must act in accordance with following directives: (10) to preserve one’s reputation and to preserve the dignity of one’s official position from any discredit; and Section 85 (4) is acting that Civil Servants are committing an act which is attributable as a gross misconduct;”

         During office hours, Civil servants must work full-time in government service. If spending the official time doing something other than jobs, that is may be subject to a disciplinary offense under section 82 (4) to devote one’s time to the government service, and not leave or neglect official duties.


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How to Cite

Thipchai, K., Sarapong, T., Jaikarnwongsakul, K., Suwannarat, W., & Noochaikaew, K. (2023). Several Considerations regarding the Freedom of a Civil Official to engage in an Occupation Outside Official working Hours. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(3), 273–292.


Academic Articles



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