Smart City: The Challenges of Local Government Organizations in the Era of Disruptive Technologies

Chatkasem Dasri
Aphichat Sangamporn
Kittisak Ruampattana
Keywords: Smart City, Digital Government, Local Government Organizations
Published: Dec 24, 2023


          The global trend of decentralization reflects the "survival" of nations in the era of technological disruption. This significant challenge necessitates local government organizations (LGOs) to leverage advanced digital technologies for maximum benefit. This article aims to present the current perspectives on decentralization and the smart city concept from the LGO perspective. It also addresses the challenges LGOs face in transitioning to the digital realm in this era of technological transformation.

Smart City refers to the application of digital technologies in managing public affairs at the municipal or local government level, closely involving a significant portion of the population. This poses a considerable challenge due to the fact that out of the 5,300 LGOs (57.52%), a large number are small and have limited potential. As a result, they lack readiness and progress in driving the smart city concept forward as much as desired.

However, regardless of the readiness of local government organizations, denying this transformative acceptance is not feasible. It becomes imperative to develop internal process management systems within organizations that yield increased efficiency. Furthermore, delivering public services that generate citizen satisfaction becomes a foundation for sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Dasri, C., Sangamporn, A., & Ruampattana, K. (2023). Smart City: The Challenges of Local Government Organizations in the Era of Disruptive Technologies. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(3), 343–358.


Academic Articles



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