Effects of Group Counseling Program to Decrease Cognitive Students’ Load Status: Mixed Methods Research

Wikanda Chairat
Settawat Chonkworakul
Keywords: Group Counseling, Cognitive Load Burden, Psychological Experiences
Published: Dec 8, 2023


         The objective of this research were to 1) Develop a group counseling program to reduce Cognitive load status and 2) Study the psychological experience after participating in a group counseling program. It was a mixed method research. The sample consisted of 8 third-year undergraduate students who had the mean state of cognitive load higher than the 25th percentile. And are willing to participate and are willing to participate in a group counseling program research process model The subjects were asked to do the cognitive burden test before (Pretest) and after (Posttest) participating in the group counseling program 8 times with in-depth interviews to examine their psychological experience after participating in Group Counseling program. Instrument used in cognitive load status research and a group mentoring program. By using statistics to analyze to data, including mean, standard deviation. And repeated-measure one-way analysis of variance. And qualitative research Data were collected by In-dept interview with data analysis. Components with content analysis after joining the group counseling program.

          The research finding were as follows : 1) The group counseling model to reduce the state of cognitive load status consisted of 3 steps : initial, operational and concluding” Through 3 experts, the IOC index was consistent between 0.66-1.00 and the results of the experimental use of the group counseling program. It was found that the subject group’s state of cognitive load after the experiment was lower than before the experiment at a statistical significance level of 0.1 2) The study of the psychological experiences after participating in the group counseling program found that there was an exchange of knowledge and the ability to listen to problem. To lead to the fulfillment of knowledge in the application of student study development.


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How to Cite

Chairat, W., & Chonkworakul, S. (2023). Effects of Group Counseling Program to Decrease Cognitive Students’ Load Status: Mixed Methods Research. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(3), 117–134. https://doi.org/10.14456/jlgisrru.2023.52


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