Information Retrieval and Use

Thipphanet Pasanam
Natthapat Wongnarat
Keywords: Retrieving Information, Principles for assessing the credibility of Information, Use Information, Academic Plagiarism, Plagiarism Check
Published: Dec 21, 2023


         This review article aims to introduce the techniques for searching information from the internet, principles of the credibility of information assessment, proper use of information, including academic plagiarism and academic plagiarism detection. The study found that techniques for retrieving information from the internet using a search engine by google using keywords for searching need to narrow the searching to get more information need, including punctuation, symbols, Boolean logic and file format specifiers for helping in searching techniques. The use of information must consider principles of the credibility of data sources assessment, including the up-to-date information, the credibility of the sources and compliance with precision and purpose of the source of information and the use of information. It is the use of searchable information and appropriate sources of selection using verbatim copying, paraphrasing, summarizing, facts, data and supplementary information. Information must be referenced appropriately and ethically by consequently recording references in the bibliography to prevent future disputes. It should avoid plagiarism in academic works by using the checking programs application to check similarity or redundancy of information, including the detail of the name of the owner of the academic works, agency, publication source, agency or owner of the copyright within institutions in order to consider the use of accurate information and references.


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How to Cite

Pasanam, T., & Wongnarat, N. (2023). Information Retrieval and Use. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(3), 307–324.


Academic Articles



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