Digital Literacy of Teacher Phrapariyattidham Schools in Surin Province

Somkiet Phetmark
Keywords: Digital technology, Digital Literacy, Phrapariyattidham Schools
Published: Dec 8, 2023


         The purpose of this research is to study the digital literacy of Phra Pariyatattam School’s teachers in Surin Province. The sample group of 65 participants was determined using Cochran's and Morgan's formulas, with a confidence level of .05. The participants (n=26) were selected through simple random sampling, consisting  of 26 Monk Teacher and 39 Lay teachers. Questionnaires were used as the data collection tool, and the statistical analysis employed frequency distribution and percentages.

         The result shown that 1) regarding the current state of digital technology readiness policy, it was found that the school prioritizes promoting the use of digital media for teaching and learning, with a focus on utilizing digital technology for student-teacher interactions. This ranked as the highest priority, with 61 participants, accounting for 93.85%. 2) Analyzing the digital literacy skills and utilization, the highest average score was obtained in the knowledge and understanding of digital search and retrieval from various information sources, with 62 participants, averaging 95.38. The lowest average score was related to using tools and technology for creating personal websites, with 23 participants, averaging 35.38.


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How to Cite

Phetmark, S. (2023). Digital Literacy of Teacher Phrapariyattidham Schools in Surin Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(3), 155–170.


Research Articles



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