Guidelines for Integrated Management of Thailand’s Security Checkpoints in the Era of Digital Disruption

Aphicha Nokyoongthong
Viporn Katekao
Pensri Chirinang
Voradej Chandarasorn
Keywords: Guidelines, Integrated Management, Security Checkpoint, Society in the Era of Digital Disruption
Published: Dec 24, 2023


          The article aims to explore an integrated management approach for Thailand's security checkpoints in the digital disruption era. The development of a security system in Thailand's security checkpoints requires the creation of security measures that are both tools of security and economic facilitation at the same time. Therefore, there were 5 approaches to the management of integrated security checkpoints in Thailand in the age of digital disruption: which starts from the disease screening process of people traveling in the arrival area to prevent the spread of the disease; 2) all relevant agencies provide cooperation to connect and share information within the platform (Platform) security Including improving the information system to be modern so that it can be used to exchange information between agencies in a timely manner when there is a situation 3) developing the potential of personnel in information technology of all relevant departments to have expertise in accordance with the ongoing mission and have sufficient numbers for the operation 4) a unified information technology management system there are clear working rules and guidelines, and 5) an architectural structure system that helps promote security, clearly visible the characteristics and behavior of travelers.


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How to Cite

Nokyoongthong, A., Katekao, V., Chirinang, P., & Chandarasorn, V. (2023). Guidelines for Integrated Management of Thailand’s Security Checkpoints in the Era of Digital Disruption. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(3), 379–394.


Academic Articles



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