Studying Guidelines for Educational Administration of Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science Major for Hearing Impairment Students

Warit Nualnang
Thitaporn Ninlawan
Thongchai Chuachan
Siriluk Wungchob
Kanyanee Samoo
Watjanarat Kuandee
Pradidchaya Soijit
Keywords: Educational Administration, Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science Major, Hearing Impairment
Published: Jun 20, 2023


         Higher education institutions need to prepare education management for hearing impairments students including creating effective systems and mechanisms for students to succeed in higher education. So that, the research objectives were aimed to 1) study the results of teaching and learning which was conducted for 4 academic years between 2018 – 2021 and 2) study guidelines for educational administration of bachelor's degree in Computer Science major for hearing impairment students. This research was participatory action research. The target group were 22 people who were obtained by purposive sampling and included seven people from both administrators and staffs of Surindra Rajabhat University, five people from Surin School for the Deaf, and ten hearing impairment students. The research tools were interview and observation forms. The data analysis method used analyzed the qualitative data with content analysis. The results of teaching and learning for 4 academic years between 2018 – 2021 found that six students in 2021 and three students in 2022 have successfully finished their bachelor's degrees while dropout one student. The results of studying guidelines for educational administration of bachelor's degree in Computer Science major for hearing impairment students suggested that the university should provide study environments and other institution cooperation for managing sign language interpreters, study evaluation, student motivation, scholarship, and course improvements. Furthermore, related institutions and universities should be focused on cooperation to achieve course management and carry out the good achievement of deaf students in computer education.


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How to Cite

Nualnang, W., Ninlawan, T., Chuachan, T., Wungchob, S., Samoo, K., Kuandee, W., & Soijit, P. (2023). Studying Guidelines for Educational Administration of Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science Major for Hearing Impairment Students. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(2), 71–88.


Research Articles



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