Community Movement with Circular Economy Concept for Value-Added of Communities Products at the Thai-Cambodia Boder, Kab Choeng District, Surin Province

Napapan Phattanachatchai
Navarat Nithichaianan
Tharathorn Phuphanchueak
Napatcha Pancharoen
Narumon Waleeprathanporn
Arunothai Ounthaisong
Natthawut Jaikla
Keywords: Community Movement, Circular economy, Community Product Enrichment
Published: Jun 18, 2023


         The objectives of this research were 1) to study the production process of community products of border communities at the Thai-Cambodian border, Kap Choeng District, Surin Province, 2) to study the value-adding of border community products at the Thai-Cambodian border. Kap Choeng District, Surin Province 3) to study a model development model for community drive with the circular economy concept to add value to community products. This research uses action and participatory research techniques to study Kap Choeng District, Surin Province border communities. The target group is 50 community members, and circular economy experts from government agencies and private sector community development is a participant in the study. The purposive selection method used in the research was in-depth interviews, workshops and focus group discussions. Data analysis uses content analysis techniques and presents data with descriptive analysis and interpretation under the framework of the circular economy concept.

         The research findings are as follows: 1) The community product manufacturing process reveals that it is a simple process utilizing locally available raw materials, primarily catering to the consumption needs of the community.                                    2) The exploration of increasing the value of community products using the circular economy concept has resulted in the development of new products that add value, such as containers made from community waste materials, local chicken feed, cookies made from rice bran, and products from bio-based fermentation.                                    3) The study on the development model for community-driven economic circulation to enhance the value of community products suggests the importance of initiating community participation by community leaders and members, raising awareness of community resources, enhancing the value of community products, and developing collaborative action plans within the community. Furthermore, it emphasizes the establishment of internal and external networks within the community for learning, sharing knowledge, and interdependence in resource utilization for maximum benefits.


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Phattanachatchai, N., Nithichaianan, N., Phuphanchueak, T., Pancharoen, N., Waleeprathanporn, N., Ounthaisong, A., & Jaikla, N. (2023). Community Movement with Circular Economy Concept for Value-Added of Communities Products at the Thai-Cambodia Boder, Kab Choeng District, Surin Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(2), 23–42.


Research Articles



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