Relationship between Self-Management and Stress Factors of Pre-Service Teachers of Schools in Chonburi Province under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong

Sakulrat Prathumsit
Sudarat Sarnswang
Wanwisa Suebnusorn Klaijumlang
Keywords: Self-management, Stress Factors, Pre service teachers
Published: Jul 7, 2023


         The objectives of this research were to study 1) Study the Self-management level of Pre-Service Teachers of Schools in Chonburi Province under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong. 2) Study the stress factors level of Pre-Service Teachers of Schools in Chonburi Province under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong. And 3) Study the relationship between Self-management and stress factors of Pre-Service Teachers of Schools in Chonburi Province under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong. The sample consisted of 147 secondary school pre service teachers In Chonburi province in the Secondary Education Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong. The instruments used for data collection were 5point-rating scale questionnaires and analysis reliability is 0.957. Statistics used in the data analysis were mean, standard deviation and Pearson's correlation coefficient.

         The findings were as follows: 1) Self-management level of Pre-Service Teachers of Schools in Chonburi Province under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong had a high level. Specifically, they rated Self-regulation at the highest. 2)The stress factors level of Pre-Service Teachers of Schools in Chonburi Province under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong had a moderate level. Specifically, they rated work at the highest.                                3)Self-assessment was a positive correlation with relationship stress factor with surrounding people. Self-reinforcement was a negative correlation with relationship stress factor internal pressure.


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How to Cite

Prathumsit, S., Sarnswang, S., & Suebnusorn Klaijumlang, W. (2023). Relationship between Self-Management and Stress Factors of Pre-Service Teachers of Schools in Chonburi Province under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(2), 299–314.


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