Guidelines for Developing Leadership in Teamwork for School Administrators Under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Maha Sarakham

Patoomkan Songart
Chayakan Ruangsuwan
Keywords: Teamwork, Development Guidelines, School Administrator, Secondary Education
Published: Jul 7, 2023


         The objectives of this research were 1) to study the current conditions. Desirable conditions and requirements of teamwork of school administrators, and                         2) forming guidelines for developing a teamwork of school administrators. The research was divided into 2 phases: Phase 1 studied the current conditions. Desirable and Necessary Conditions The sample group consisted of 317 school administrators and teachers by random stratification proportionately. The tools used were questionnaires, The Index of Item Objective Congruence is 0.80 – 1.00, The Discriminant index is 0.45 – 0.51, and the reliability is 0. 94 Statistics used were mean and standard deviation. And the priority index of necessary needs. Phase                                2: Study the teamwork leadership approach. Step 1: Group of 7 experts. The tool used is an interview form by descriptive analysis. Step 2: Group of 7 assessors. The tools used were the assessment form, and the statistics used were the mean and the standard deviation

          The research results found that

  1. The overall and individual current conditions were moderate. The general and personal desirable conditions were at the highest level. The priority index of necessary needs ranged from 0.30 – 0.38, ranked from the highest to the lowest, namely participation, followed by balanced role. The objective is clear. and having good relationships in the team.

  2. Guidelines for teamwork development of school administrators consisted of 4 units, 12 guidelines, namely: Unit 1: Participation 3 guidelines; Unit 2: Role-playing balance 3 guidelines; Unit 3: Clear objectives 3 guidelines. and the 4th unit, in terms of having good team relations in 3 ways, the results of the evaluation of teamwork development guidelines were appropriate at the highest level. and the possibility is at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Songart, P., & Ruangsuwan, C. (2023). Guidelines for Developing Leadership in Teamwork for School Administrators Under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Maha Sarakham. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(2), 285–298.


Research Articles



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