Innovative Leadership Development Program for School Administrators under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Maha Sarakham

Lapasrada Parasirisakul
Chayakan Ruangsuwan
Keywords: Leadership, Innovative Leadership, Development Program, School Administrator
Published: Jul 6, 2023


         The research objectives were 1) to study the current conditions, desirable conditions, and priority needs index of Innovative Leadership for school administrators and 2) to create innovative leadership development program for school administrators. The research is divided into 2 phases: Phase 1 to Study of current conditions, desirable conditions and priority needs index. The sample group consisted of 317 school administrators and teachers selected through the proportional stratified random sampling. The research tool was a questionnaire. The Index of item objective congruence from 0.80-1.00, the discrimination power of the current conditions from 0.42–0.82, desirable conditions 0.40–0.90, and the reliability was 0.96. Phase 2 to create innovative leadership development program for school administrators. First step create program by interviewing the target group was 9 experts. The research tool was interview forms, data analysis by descriptive analysis, second step valuate the program the target group was 7 assessors, the research tool was assessment form, the statistics are arithmetic mean and standard deviation.

          The findings were as follows: 1) The current condition was overall at the high level. The desirable condition was overall at the highest level. The priority needs index of Innovative Leadership of school administrators which ordered of the Innovative creativity, Creating an innovative organization, Innovative perspectives, and teamwork. 2) Innovative leadership development program has 12 approaches, consisting of 5 components: 2.1) principles and reasons, 2.2) objectives, 2.3) content consists of 4 unit including Innovative creativity 4 guidelines, creating an innovative organization 3 guidelines, Innovative perspectives 3 guidelines and Teamwork 2 guidelines, 2.4) development activities consists of 3 activities including training, site visit and learn by experience, and 2.5) measurement and evaluation. The results of the suitability and feasibility assessment by the experts was at the highest level.


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Parasirisakul, L., & Ruangsuwan, C. (2023). Innovative Leadership Development Program for School Administrators under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Maha Sarakham. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(2), 257–270.


Research Articles



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