Unlocking Canabis: Past to Present of Laws
The legal status of Thai cannabis is a long-standing and important issue of debate. Thailand pays attention to the drug problem. By enacting laws related to drugs in accordance with the problem conditions, including the enforcement of the law in the judicial process to achieve the highest efficiency in the prevention and suppression of drugs. The main laws are Narcotics Act, B.E. 1979. The law defines canabis as a Category 5 drug, but the law does not define what canabis means. Until the use of canabis is unlocked for medical and research purposes.
The reviewer looked at the legal evolution associated with cannabis in today's Thailand that has become more open to cannabis use. The study found that, there are laws that allow the use of canabis for research and therapeutic purposes to the extent permitted by law. It also covers entrepreneurs involved in commercial use of cannabis. It is not a household use. In the general public who can grow cannabis in the household, can smoke in private areas no smoking in public. It can be used as a self-medication or as a home cook, but care must be taken. Including youth under 20 years of age who are forbidden to interfere with canabis. There are many laws relating to the use of cannabis plants, both at the statutory level and at a number of secondary legal levels. It can be confusing for people to use cannabis plants. Therefore, there should be a thorough knowledge and understanding of the public about various laws. For the legal practice and benefit of the use of cannabis plants.
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