Guidelines for Using a 360-Degree Interactive Media Approach to Promote Archaeology Tourism in Case Study of Sikhoraphum Castle at Surin Province
The research aimed to study the context of archaeology tourism in the case study of Sikhoraphum castle at Surin province and to study guidelines for using a 360-degree interactive media approach to promote archaeology tourism in the case study of Sikhoraphum castle at Surin province. The research was a qualitative study with documents and research that related to Sikhoraphum castle, surveys and interviews. The sample group included 30 people who were employees from Sikhoraphum castle, community entrepreneurs located surrounding Sikhoraphum castle, community leaders, and tourists. Research tools were 360-degree interactive media, surveys form, and interviews form. The data analysis used content analysis method. The results were as follows; the context of archaeology tourism of Sikhoraphum castle presented there were suitable locations, convenient transportation routes, ancient communities, beliefs and faith in Hinduism and Shaivism, sculpture related to the image of the Gods, and artwork was an ancient Khmer style. Sikhoraphum castle also had been registered as a historical site in the Royal Thai Government Gazette, and the historical attraction is popular with tourists. The results of study guidelines for using a 360-degree interactive media approach to promote archaeology tourism in the case study of Sikhoraphum castle at Surin province found that the publicity should present the important context in a variety of media both online and on-site, should be transmitted knowledge to young people, 360-degree interactive media should be developed continuously, ancient site networks should be linked to promoting sustainable tourism and should encourage the community to recognize, cooperate, inherit, and accept 360-degree interactive media to continuously promote the tourism of Sikhoraphum castle.
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