Innovative Leadership of School Administrators by Perception of Teachers Under Sriput Group in Samutprakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

Udomluk Kongmun
Urai Suthiyam
Keywords: Leadership, Innovation, School Administrators
Published: Jul 3, 2023


         This article has the objectives of 1) to Study the Innovative Leadership of School Administrators By Perception of Teachers Under Sriput Group In Samutprakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 and 2) to compare the perceptions of teachers in the Sriput group towards the Innovative Leadership of School Administrators By Perception of Teachers Under Sriput Group In Samutprakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Classified by educational qualification, position and size of educational institutes. The research model was a quantitative research. Use the concept of innovative leadership as a research framework. The research area were schools in the Sriput group. The sample used in the research were teachers in the Sriput group. Academic year 2022, the sample group was 234 people using the Stratified random sampling was selected. The research tools were questionnaires, data were analyzed by means. standard deviation T- test one-way analysis of variance and comparing the differences of scores by pairs by Ceffe's method. The results of the research were as follows:                          1) Teachers' perceptions toward innovative leadership of school administrators according to teachers' perceptions of the Sriput group under the Office of Samutprakan Primary Educational Service Area 1 as a whole and each case.                      2) Teachers working in different educational institutes with different size of institutes. There was a view towards innovative leadership of school administrators as a whole and each aspect differed at a statistical significance level of .05


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How to Cite

Kongmun, U., & Suthiyam, U. (2023). Innovative Leadership of School Administrators by Perception of Teachers Under Sriput Group in Samutprakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(2), 173–186.


Research Articles



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