The study of the transfer of folk wisdom kantrum of teachhers
A study on the study of the transmission of Kantrum folk wisdom teachers in Surin province. The objectives are: 1. To study the biographies and works of Kantrum folk wisdom teachers in Surin province.
To study the transfer of specific knowledge of Kantrum folk wisdom teachers and the roles and duties of Kantrum folk wisdom teachers in Surin province. by collecting documentary data and conducting field visits by interviewing related to the transmission of Kantrum folk wisdom teachers group of inherited who live in the area Ban Dong Man Cultural Village, Kho Ko Subdistrict, Mueang Surin District Surin Poitabang Village, Na Bua Subdistrict, Mueang Surin District Surin and Rasai Village, Chaniang Subdistrict, Mueang Surin District Surin The results showed that Biography and work of Kantrum folk wisdom teacher in Surin province It shows that the 4 Wisdom teachers are knowledgeable and competent from various backgrounds and works, and from their experiences in Kantrum folk music, each of them has at least 20 years of experience. Each side of folk should be honored and honored in their knowledge and abilities. and the transfer of knowledge in each aspect of the four teachers to their students the playing of the reed and the fiddling side It is the transmission that the local wisdom teacher uses oral transmission method.
and demonstrates the method before the students to learn music must perform a Wai Kru ceremony before starting the class to show respect to the teachers to be able to successfully study music subjects as intended Regarding the transmission of singing It takes note-taking in order to memorize the lyrics of the song. Because singing Kantrum is quite difficult and the content is long. Therefore, a method must be used to record the lyrics. And the 4 wisdom teachers have roles and duties in society as role models and are accepted in conserving folk music culture to last forever. and demonstrates the method before the students to learn music must perform a Wai Kru ceremony before starting the class to show respect to the teachers to be able to successfully study music subjects as intended Regarding the transmission of singing It takes note-taking in order to memorize the lyrics of the song.
Because singing Kantrum is quite difficult and the content is long. Therefore, a method must be used to record the lyrics. And the 4 wisdom teachers have roles and duties in society as role models and are accepted in conserving folk music culture to last forever. and demonstrates the method before the students to learn music must perform a Wai Kru ceremony before starting the class to show respect to the teachers to be able to successfully study music subjects as intended Regarding the transmission of singing It takes note-taking in order to memorize the lyrics of the song. Because singing Kantrum is quite difficult and the content is long. Therefore, a method must be used to record the lyrics. And the 4 wisdom teachers have roles and duties in society as role models and are accepted in conserving folk music culture to last forever.
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