Participatory Academic Administration of School under The Ubonratchathani Primary Education Service Area Office 5

Panya Treelertpojkul
Somrutai Taochan
Keywords: Participative Academic Management in Basic Education Institution, School, Under Ubonratchathani Primary Educational Service Area Office 5
Published: Mar 17, 2023


          Academic administration is the heart of school administration. Educational institutions must be able to implement concrete results. The effective operation requires a participatory management process. Thus, personnel in educational institutions have a role in academic administration in educational institutions together. The key processes include Participatory management process consists of 5 parts: Participation in thinking and decision making participation in planning participation in action Participation in the evaluation Participate in the benefits It is a way to make academic institutions have more efficient academic administration.

          This research aimed to (1) investigate the participative academic management in basic education institutions under the Primary Educational Service Area Office 5, (2) to compare the participative academic management of the schools based on the size of schools and genders (3) to study the guidelines for effective participative academic management of the schools.

          The samples in this research were consisted of 346 people including of 24 administrators and 322 teachers under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area 5, and the study was conducted in the academic year 2021. The research instruments were questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the following statistics: Mean (x), Standard deviation (S.D.), t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe's Method and Content analysis.

          The research found the following:

  1. The analysis of the participative academic management among the schools under the study showed that, in all the 4 dimensions of the management, the overall was at the high level.

  2. The results of comparison of the participative academic management of schools classified by the size of school, location of school and the national test result were found to be not significantly different.

  3. The results of the analysis the guidelines for effective participative academic management of the schools, based on the open-ended questionnaire showed that the schools should be provided to the community to participate in teaching and learning process, teachers should be encouraged to develop cordial working relationship, efforts should be made to build understanding of the curriculum among stakeholders Moreover, the school administrators should support the instruction and listen to the teachers' opinions.


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How to Cite

Treelertpojkul, P., & Taochan, S. (2023). Participatory Academic Administration of School under The Ubonratchathani Primary Education Service Area Office 5. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(1), 153–166.


Research Articles



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