Guideline for Developing the Potential of Health Tourism in Ubon Ratchathani Province to Support Cambodian Tourists
The objectives of this study are to: 1) examine the health tourism landscape in Ubon Ratchathani Province, 2) examine the potential for health tourism in Ubon Ratchathani Province to attract tourists from Cambodia, and 3) offer recommendations for maximizing the potential for health tourism in Ubon Ratchathani Province to attract tourists from Cambodia. 12 tourists from Cambodia who visited Ubon Ratchathani Province for the purpose of health tourism, along with 13 representatives from public and private organizations, made up the sample group for the study's 25 participants. A form for semi-structured interviews served as the research tool. The study's conclusions were as follows: 1) The SWOT theory provides the following guidelines for the Ubon Ratchathani Province's health tourism environment: 1. There are many natural attractions near the hospital, contemporary medical equipment, and doctors with specialized training who can treat patients well. 2. Signage at numerous locations and a coordinator for the Cambodian-Thai language are insufficient. 3. Placement of areas adjacent to one another, accessible highways, a variety of hotel and lodging options, and eateries that can accommodate 4. Publicity is still lacking for tourist destinations, hospitals, and service locations. 2) Potential of Health Tourism in Ubon Ratchathani Province to Support Cambodian Tourists: In a research study on guidelines for the development of health tourism in Ubon Ratchathani Province to support Cambodian tourists with the main components (6As), it was found that: 1. attractions; 2. accessibility; 3. amenities; 4. accommodation; 5. activities; and 6. tourism management and services. And 3) Suggestions for developing the potential of health tourism in Ubon Ratchathani Province are as follows: 1. Personnel development in medical tourism 2. Management and hospitality development 3. Development of medical tourism facilities 4. Development of medical tourism activities 5. Development of an information system for medical tourism.
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