Information exposure behavior and people's participation in Bangkok metropolitan area in environmental management

Pornchanan Thunkhunthod
Thitirat Manipharak
Kanyawan Pin-ngern
Keywords: News Exposure Behavior, Participation, Environmental Management
Published: Mar 5, 2023


          This research aims to A study of information exposure behavior and participation of people in Bangkok in environmental management. A comparative study of information exposure behavior and participation of people in Bangkok in environmental management according to personal factors. and to study the relationship between exposure to environmental management information and the participation of people in Bangkok in environmental management. Conducted by a quantitative research method collecting data from a population of 400 college students using multiple random sampling methods. The tool used was a questionnaire. The Index of Item Objective Congruence (IOC) was between 0.7–1.00 with a confidence value. (Reliability) equal to 0.87 Statistics for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, t-test, analysis of variance, and multiple linear regression analysis.

          The results showed that news exposure behavior Information exposure behavior and people's participation in Bangkok metropolitan area in environmental management on the use of social media had the highest average, followed by conversation with people Awareness and understanding of environmental management received news about environmental management Watching television programs and the subject talking to the person Listening to radio programs and newspaper reading has the lowest average. Participation in environmental management Behavior of information exposure and participation of people in Bangkok in environmental management found that the benefits received. with the highest mean, followed by Operation Assessment and planning has the lowest average. All factors together predicted R2 = 0.562, representing 56.20%.


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How to Cite

Thunkhunthod, P., Manipharak, T., & Pin-ngern, K. (2023). Information exposure behavior and people’s participation in Bangkok metropolitan area in environmental management. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(1), 79–90.


Research Articles


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