"Million Gamecock" from cultivating to a comprehensive commercial development process in Chaiyaphum Province
The objectives of this research are as follows: 1) to transfer knowledge on integrated commercial gamecock cultivation and development in Chaiyaphum province; 2) to study the pattern of business-based gamecock farming. Ready to be an alternative career for farmers (Sample farm) this is a participatory action research. Khon Sawan District Chaiyaphum Province, representative of the Chaiyaphum Gamecock Breeders Association, a local philosopher with knowledge of gamecocks and 50 gamecock farmers. Use a structured interview form. Group chat log Participant observation record form and questionnaire. The statistics used in this research were percentage, mean, standard deviation and data were analyzed by analytical method. The research results are as follows. Organizing activities to transfer knowledge on cultivating and developing a comprehensive commercial gamecock in Chaiyaphum Province Conducted by organizing training workshops to the target group is a group of 50 farmers who raised Ban Khon Sawan Gamecocks at Khon Sawan Subdistrict Administrative Organization on May 14-16, 2022. Knowledge on cultivating and developing gamecocks that are passed on to farmers, such as knowledge of gamecock breeds, Selection of gamecock breeds, characterization of gamecocks, diseases in gamecocks and methods of treatment, breeding of gamecocks, and herbs for gamecocks. As for the assessment of the satisfaction level of the farmers participating in the activities, it was found that the farmers were satisfied with the participation in the activities. Satisfaction at the highest level in all aspects the aspect that farmers were most satisfied with was 4.98 in 2 aspects, namely the knowledge transfer process. And lecturers has an average of 4.98 A study of the pattern of commercial gamecock farming that is ready to be a new alternative career for farmers in Chaiyaphum Province. Found that "Chok Dara Chai Gamecock Farm" in Buriram Province with Mr. Supawit Khiaosri or Sia Yo as the management of the farm The current model farm is located at Ban Krok Khi Nu, Sum Het Subdistrict, Mueang District, Buriram Province Chokdarachai Farm's successful gamecock farming business model must focus on the following factors: Farm sanitation, selection of breeder-breeders of gamecocks, techniques of raising chickens for market expansion, methods of raising chicks on the farm, hatching and trading business. In addition, honesty is an important element of the gamecock farming business based on the belief that give him good things Good things will come back to us.
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