Community Innovation for Stable Water Security for People's Livelihood in Lampathao River Basin, Muang District, Chaiyaphum Province
The objectives of this research are as follows: 1) to create knowledge in water management to raise public awareness. 2) To create innovations and appropriate alternatives in water management through a process of participation for the community. 3) To apply innovations and appropriate approaches to water management in the community. 4) To create mechanisms for water management with public participation as a guideline for practice. This research is research and development by means of a participatory research process. (Participation Action Research: PAR) of the public using qualitative research (Qualitative Research). Research tools are divided into 4 parts: training seminars. Open forum workshop and public hearings Data analysis is a qualitative analysis of data. It relies on a 3-step analysis: 1) Data reduction (Data reduction) to be able to code (Coding) to classify qualitative variables so that frequencies can be enumerated. 2) Data organization (Data organization) is classification. Type of variable Group variables into elements or dimensions (Elements or Dimensions) to get ideas (Concepts) and 3) Interpretation (Interpretation) is to identify the direction and trend of the relationship between concepts. By explaining and interpreting the rational relationship leading to conclusions (Conclusion)
The research results showed that learning in water management made people aware. understand and implement in the community It is the introduction of theoretical knowledge principles and knowledge related to water resources such as sources of water resources, watershed forests, river ecosystems water crisis and the impact of the water crisis in the target area, etc., and the result of creating learning for the people. About research issues Community Innovation for Stable Water Security for People's Livelihood in Lampathao Basin Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Province Creation of innovations and appropriate alternatives in water management through a process of participation for the community. is the introduction of knowledge and select suitable innovations to be used in spatial development Has resolved to select innovations in sustainable water management, 3 innovations, namely the living weir and the closed underground water bank. Implementing innovations and appropriate guidelines for water management in the community It is a source of learning and expanding results in a wide area. Emphasis is placed on innovations that people in the area can access. There is a simple operation process. The cost is cheap, the materials can be provided locally. By bringing innovation into practice together and innovators and community volunteers and creating mechanisms for water innovation management through public participation process. It is the step that has been implemented in the construction of the Living Weir Innovation. Until complete and ready to use the community that is the location of the living weir must have a set of rules on the utilization. And maintain it for the benefit of the public as well as maintaining a sustainable balance of the ecosystem
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