Public Service Innovation and People’s Satisfaction with Public Service Innovation in Muang Municipalities, Chon Buri Province

Supot Boonwiset
Keywords: Innovation, Public Service, Satisfaction, Muang Municipalities Chon Buri
Published: Mar 17, 2023


          The objectives of this study were to (1) examine the municipality's public service innovation in the Chonburi Province area, (2) ascertain the public's satisfaction with that municipality's public service innovation, and (3) investigate the advantages that those who will benefit from the municipality's public service innovation will experience. around the Chonburi Province 400 individuals from all 10 towns who came to use the program made up the sample. A questionnaire was the tool utilized to collect the data. Frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation were the statistics that were utilized to gather the data. moreover, references for multiple regression correlation The findings demonstrated that individuals had witnessed new public innovations and had participated in requesting or expressing opinions for municipalities to provide local public services (50.55%). The community has never seen it done before (63.75%), and people have watched the first public innovation improve and grow (67.00%). It was at a high level overall (mean 3.54). When looking at each factor separately, it was discovered that the highest satisfaction was found in the Participation of local residents and the municipality in the development of local public service innovation (mean 3.56 for the study of benefits to be received by recipients of municipal public service innovation). It was discovered that the general level in Chonburi Province was very high (mean 3.60). Innovating local public services was allowed by municipalities. Between the benefits enjoyed by the recipients of the public service innovation and the local public service innovation implementation, the correlational coefficient (r) of the municipality was examined. It was discovered that, generally speaking, the benefits of recipients of public service innovation are impacted by the innovation of local public services in Chonburi Province. Statistically significant at the.05 level, there is a strong association between the variables of the municipality in the Chonburi Province region.


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How to Cite

Boonwiset, S. (2023). Public Service Innovation and People’s Satisfaction with Public Service Innovation in Muang Municipalities, Chon Buri Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(1), 167–178.


Research Articles



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