Guidelines for the Development of Social Welfare for the Elderly of Khao Ruak Subdidtrict Adminstrative Oraganization Lam Sonthi District Lopburi Province
The objectives of this research were to study the level of social welfare for the elderly of Khao Ruak Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Lam Sonthi District, Lop Buri Province, and to study the guidelines for the development of social welfare for the elderly of Khao Ruak Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Lam Sonthi District, Lopburi Province. The sample group used in this research were 196 elderly people residing in Khao Ruak Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Lam Sonthi District, Lopburi Province. This research uses a stratified sampling method using the village name as the landscape. Data were analyzed by mean and standard deviation. A structured interview to find a way to develop social welfare for the elderly of the Khao Ruak Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Lam Sonthi District, Lopburi Province, consisted of 5 people, selected by a specific method. The data were analyzed by content analysis.
The results showed that: 1. The level of social welfare provision for the elderly of Khao Ruak Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Lam Sonthi District, Lopburi Province, found that overall, there was a high level of social welfare arrangement for the elderly. When considering each aspect, it was found that it was at a high level in all 6 aspects. Health and medical care had the highest average, followed by income, and the lowest average was recreation 2. Development guidelines for social welfare for the elderly of Khao Ruak Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Lam Sonthi District, Lopburi Province found that, Health and medical care should support the budget for purchasing materials, equipment, tools to promote health for the elderly and establishing a school for the elderly, and support activities together continuously at least twice a year. Income for the promotion and support of the grouping, distributing products to increase income for the elderly by providing continuous training on various occupations every year at least twice a year. The housing aspect should provide a budget or set a budget for the construction of a Eua Athon homes or the construction of housing repairs for those in need so that the elderly have a stable and safe home. Recreational activities should promote the operation of clubs or groups in order for the elderly to participate in various activities, considering the limitations of physical health, readiness, suitability, and safety for the elderly, at least twice a year. In terms of social security, family, caregivers, and protection should develop strong families. Promote potential and income for the elderly and their families, focusing on organizing activities to develop family relationships on an ongoing basis at least twice a year. In terms of building social services and support networks, volunteers should be organized to take care of the elderly in every village and establish a multi-purpose center for the elderly in the area
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