Designing and arranging the chime to sound like a prayer At the area of the stupa containing the remains of the Grand Master (Dul Atulo) Phanom Sawai Forest Park, Sawai Subdistrict, Mueang District, Surin Province

Santi Wilaisungnern
Keywords: Bells, Phanom Sawai Forest Park, Stupa Containing the Relics of PhraRatchawutthajarn (Dul Atulo), Designed and Arranged the Bells to Sound Like Chanting
Published: Apr 5, 2023


          This research has the objectives in order to design and arrange the sound of bells in a prayer melody at the stupa containing the relics of Phra Ratchawutthachan (Dul Atulo). Created in the year 2007 for the purpose of building To celebrate the 80th birthday of King Rama IX, the bells in the stupa contain the relics of Phra Ratchawutthajarn (Dul Atulo), with a total of 432 leaves. There are 19 cards and another 413 cards have sound frequencies ranging from 130 Hz until 354 Hz. Bell quality can be classified into 3 types: 1) defective 19 cards 2) fair 145 cards 3) good 268 cards

          bell sound design The researcher designed the mantra by using 5 mantras, which are the Triple Gem Worship Chant, the Prostrate Chant. Triple Gems, hymns to pay homage to the Lord Buddha, chants of the Three Sons, chants of Buddhanussati and chants to make merit When taken to read one syllable, the number of 202 words is therefore designed using 1 bell equal to 1 sound, so all bells are used in the design of 202 leaves, but with the limitations of the research. The number of bells and their pitch are not the same. The researcher uses a method to solve the problem with Move DO (Move Do), resulting in each chant, therefore, there may be different sound frequencies.

          arrangement of bells The researcher used the method of sorting according to the western direction. It is divided into 2 forms: 1) the arrangement of bells according to the sound of the chanting melody; 2) the arrangement of bells that are not related to the sound of the chanting melody. Research evaluation results from all 3 experts 1) Mr.Suwaphong Kitiphatpibul Governor of Surin Province 2) Assoc. Prof.Dr. Asnee Pliensri, Thammasat University, 3) Asst. Prof. Chatchawan Sanitsanthia, Surindra Rajabhat University, all three gave the research evaluation result at 83.3 percent.


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How to Cite

Wilaisungnern, S. (2023). Designing and arranging the chime to sound like a prayer At the area of the stupa containing the remains of the Grand Master (Dul Atulo) Phanom Sawai Forest Park, Sawai Subdistrict, Mueang District, Surin Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 7(1), 193–206.


Research Articles



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