Community solid waste management model of Pa Ao Subdistrict Administrative Organization Uthumphon Phisai District Sisaket Province
In this research is accomplished by mix method and its purposes are (1) to study community waste management system of household in Pa-ao Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Uthumphon Phisai, Sisaket Province (2) to study the efficiency of the community waste management system and (3) to study the system for community waste management A sample comprises 303 head of households and 30 targets where questionnaires, interviews, conversation are applied as tools additionally statistically analytics are percentage, average, standard derivation and descriptive.
Research results, focusing on community waste management system of household found that having strongly knowledgeable, bin’s houses without lid, collecting and delivering to a garbage truck and household members are participator for manage solid waste. The level of efficiency of the community waste management system is highest while considering each issue found that waste reduction is the most and followed in sequence by reusing recycled materials, solid waste management and reuse of materials. The system for community waste management comprises (1) observational study from local model (2) working group meeting (3) organizing the Civil State Unity Project (4) educational about waste separation methods (5) conducting for the purchase of recycled waste.
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