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Approach Towards Value Increment and Online Marketing of Sweet Corn Products in Sirattana District, Sisaket Province

Arnon Thangpitakkri
Thanwarut Jamsai
Keywords: Approach towards Value Increment, Online Marketing, Sweet Corn Products
Published: Jan 1, 2021


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the ways of sweet corn product value addition in Siratana district, Sisaket province, and 2) to study the online marketing system making of sweet corn product in Siratana district, Sisaket province by u

         The purposes of this research were 1) to study the ways of sweet corn product value addition in Siratana district, Sisaket province, and 2) to study the online marketing system making of sweet corn product in Siratana district, Sisaket province by using mixed methods, the quantitative data was collected  from the target group of 63 person with in-depth interviews and then taking with training workshop from purposive sampling of 30 person , the statistic data analysis, Frequency (F), percentage, mean ( ) and Standard Deviation (S.D) by analyzing data and presenting the descriptive statistic data. The research findings are as follows: The ways of sweet corn product value addition in Siratana district, Sisaket province can be summarized as 5 ways; namely the creating the networks ,  the improvement, the development sale center, the promotion of online marketing channel and  the package development. and the Online marketing channel system of sweet corn product in Siratana district, Sisaket province can be divided into the acknowledgement of agriculturists,  the information technology found that the sale of online sweet corn product   and   can add the value of product price

sing mixed methods, the quantitative data was collected  from the target group of 63 person with in-depth interviews and then taking with training workshop from purposive sampling of 30 person , the statistic data analysis, Frequency (F), percentage, mean () and Standard Deviation (S.D) by analyzing data and presenting the descriptive statistic data. The research findings are as follows: The ways of sweet corn product value addition in Siratana district, Sisaket province can be summarized as 5 ways; namely the creating the networks ,  the improvement, the development sale center, the promotion of online marketing channel and  the package development. and the Online marketing channel system of sweet corn product in Siratana district, Sisaket province can be divided into the acknowledgement  of agriculturists,  the information technology found that the sale of online sweet corn product   and   can add the value of product price  


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How to Cite

Thangpitakkri, A., & Jamsai, T. (2021). Approach Towards Value Increment and Online Marketing of Sweet Corn Products in Sirattana District, Sisaket Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 4(3), 99–112. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JLGISRRU/article/view/246110


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