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The Roles of Sangha Administrators on Administration in Bangkhen-Chatuchak District, Bangkok

Phra Chatchai Atipanyo Doungsri
Keywords: Roles, Sangha, Administrator
Published: Apr 29, 2019


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the roles of Sangha administrators on administration in Bangkhen-Chatuchak district, Bangkok 2) the roles of Sangha administrators on administration in Bangkhen-Chatuchak district, Bangkok, classified by personal data 3) to study the problems, obstacles and suggestions to develop the roles of Sangha administrators on administration in Bangkhen-Chatuchak district, Bangkok..This research is the mixed research method by using the quantitative research and used the questionnaires for collecting the data from the sampling group to have the opinions of the monks to roles of Sangha administrators on administration in Bangkhen-Chatuchak district, Bangkok for 172 out of 300 monks andsambling group is the simple and callulation of the sambling group of Taro Yamane formula and data collection is used by the questionnaire. The researcher had the data analysis through frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation (S.D.) one-way analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA) for testing the difference of cultiple comparison with LSD. (Least Significant Different). and the qualitative research had the in-depth interview from 7 key informants by using the descriptive content analysis technique. The findings of this research as following:

  1. The monks had the opinions to the roles of Sangha administrators on administration in Bangkhen-Chatuchak district, Bangkok in overall, was at good level (= 4.28). when considered in each aspect, found that the monks had the opinions to the roles of Sangha administrators on administration in Bangkhen-Chatuchak district, Bangkok, were the monks in the administration in the temple was the highest level and had an average at (=4.32). The second was the administration according to Sangha Act. (=4.26) and the lowest level was the administration according to Dhammavinaya (=4.25).

  2. The finding from comparison of the roles of Sangha administrators on administration in Bangkhen-Chatuchak district, Bangkok, classified by personal factors in overall, found that the correspondents who answered the questionnaire who had the differences of status such as general educational degree, had the opinions to the roles of Sangha administrators on administration in Bangkhen-Chatuchak district, Bangkok differently. It was significantly statistic at 0.05. It accepted the hypothesis. But the monks who had the differences of status like age, ordination year, Dhamma education and Pali education, had the opinions about the roles of Sangha administrators on administration in Bangkhen-Chatuchak district, Bangkok indifferently. It rejected the hypothesis.

  3. The findings of research about the problems and obstacles of theroles of Sangha administrators on administration in Bangkhen-Chatuchak district, Bangkok, could be summarized as follows lacked of novices and monks behavior control for good administration, lacked of every half month chanting in the chanting hall, lacked of fruit analysis of Dhammavinaya for using to set up the policy to practice, lacked of current situation analysis, clearly own problems and responsibility, lack of regulation issue for harmony, lack of monks and novices administration that against Dhammavinaya and matching with Sangha Act., lack of punishment about the mistakes of monks who have the positions along with Sangha Act., lack of appointment for the ritual ceremony master along with Sangha Act., lacked of monastery management such as expenditure and income account of the temple, lacked of issue the regulations within the temple, lacked of support the monk and novices to study in the general education, Dhamma study, and Pali study, lacked of take care of monks and novices in the temple properly and equally and fairly.


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How to Cite

Doungsri, P. C. A. (2019). The Roles of Sangha Administrators on Administration in Bangkhen-Chatuchak District, Bangkok. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 1(2), 25–40. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JLGISRRU/article/view/196845


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