Journal of Local Governance and Innovation
ISSN 3027-8120 (Print)
ISSN 2673-0405 (Online)

The journal has a policy of promoting and supporting lecturers, scholars, students, and other interested individuals by providing opportunities to publish academic and research work in political science, public administration, management, interdisciplinary humanities and social sciences, education, and integrated science for development.

The journal publishes regular issues three times a year as follows:
Issue 1: January – April
Issue 2: May – August
Issue 3: September – December

Article types:
Article types are categorized into two types: research articles and academic articles.

We accept articles in both Thai and English.

Article Publication Conditions
Each article will be reviewed by a committee of at least three qualified individuals. Articles by external authors will be reviewed by either one internal and one external expert or at least two external experts. Articles by internal authors will be reviewed by external experts from the journal's organization, who possess expertise in the relevant fields from various institutions, and who have been approved by the editorial board before publication. The review process will employ a Double-Blind Peer Review format, in which reviewers do not know the identity of the authors, and authors do not know the identity of the reviewers.
The editorial board reserves the right to withhold review of an article until it has been revised to meet the journal's requirements. The original article submitted for publication must not have been previously published in any journal or publication and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. If the article includes images or tables from other sources, the author must obtain permission from the copyright owner and provide the letter of approval to the editorial board before publication.The views and opinions expressed in the articles are those of the respective authors and do not reflect the views or responsibility of the editorial board. The Journal of Local Administration and Innovation charges a regular publication fee but does not have any additional charges.

The publication fee has changed as follows:
Research articles/academic articles in Thai: 5,000 THB per article
Research articles/academic articles in English: 6,000 THB per article
(The article publication fees will be charged for journals submitted to the system from Vol. 9 No. 1 on April 1st, 2025 onwards.) 
However, the articles submitted in the system before this announcement uses the old rates as follow:
- Research articles/academic articles in Thai: 3,000 THB per article
- Research articles/academic articles in English: 4,500 THB per article

Instructions of the Payment Process for the Publication Fee of the Journal of Local Administration and Innovation
1. Authors are requested to submit document files via the ThaiJo system, including:
1.1 Research articles/academic articles in Word format (1 file)
1.2 Article submission form (1 file)
For detailed instructions on submitting these documents, please refer to the Instructions for Authors.
2. Initial Review and Notification
Once the document files are complete, the editorial team will conduct an initial review of the article. If the article meets the journal's requirements and passes the initial review, the journal will notify you to pay the publication fee before the article undergoes further quality assessment.
3. Payment Process
The publication fee must be transferred via a bank account. Payment instructions and details will be provided by the journal staff. The author will receive payment instructions directly from the journal.

Payment Channel
The publication fee should be transferred to the following bank account:
Account Name: Surindra Rajabhat University
Bank Name: Bangkok Bank
Account Type: Savings
Account Number: 644-0-30330-0

After paying the fee, please send proof of payment to the following email address: Include the following information in your email:
1) Author's name and surname
2) Article title
3) Transfer slip

Note: All journal publication fees are non-refundable operating fees. If your article is not accepted for publication in the Journal of Local Administration and Innovation after review by three qualified individuals, the publication fee will not be refunded.

Vol. 9 No. 1 (2025): January-April

Published: 14-02-2025

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